embroidery shop launch

I’ve always considered the idea of opening an online shop to sell my embroidery work but I’ve never been 100% sure if it was the right move for me. However over recent times with a crazy pandemic going on I’ve been reminded life is short so why not give it a try. So here we go! I’ve opened up my own little Etsy shop selling my embroidered artworks. You can shop the embroideries here.

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Currently, it’s stocked with a few framed and ready to hang 3D embroidered artworks. I’m also in the process of creating more embroideries to go in the shop which will be unframed and appeal to different budgets.

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Coral Gardens 11- 6-min EDITED.jpg
Coral Gardens 9 -2-min EDITED.jpg

I also have plans for some Christmas bits too, because beads and Christmas are a dream combination, right?! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! I’m hoping to keep adding products to my shop as my embroidery work develops and my understanding of running an online shop improves. I’m in this for the long run!

Putting this shop together was really super exciting, although I did face a few challenges I wasn’t expecting! For example, I was quite stuck on how to package the artworks. Finding the right sized box was really tricky as the frames are square and most boxes I found were rectangular. Figuring out how to protect the artworks inside the box with recyclable materials and keeping this neat was another hurdle. However, with numerous google searches, help from friends and family and patience it all came together and I’m a happy bean!

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I really hope you like my little Etsy shop! It’s all super brand new to me so please let me know your thoughts and if there is anything else you would like to see on the shop, please do get in touch. Thank you!


shopping small this christmas


finding inspiration